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European Satellite Zapping & Directory
Channel Search:
Reception Reports

This feature aims at showing on the map the dish sizes that allow a good reception of a beam,
updated upon your own reception reports. Your specific comments for each beam are also available under the map.

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page


Detailed reception reports and comments about this beam:

2021-09-14 20:50:46SateliteDudette (52.1N-10.3W,100cm) ? HB8 Europe Beam 41% in Kerry Ireland with a 1 meter dish :/

2021-09-14 20:50:16SateliteDudette (52.1N-10.3W,100cm) ? HB8 Europe Beam 41% in Kerry Ireland with a 1 meter dish :/

2020-10-02 04:00:37PAPAJ52 (-,0cm) DOBRY SYGNAŁ (76-78%)

2020-01-08 20:37:29nasser22somaily (-,39cm) ? deksar (37.9N-35.6E، 120cm

2019-12-26 23:27:07ergoluz (-,0cm)

2019-03-14 11:59:41deksar (37.9N-35.6E,120cm) bad

2019-03-14 11:59:34deksar (37.9N-35.6E,120cm) z

2018-09-25 13:56:00deksar (37.9N-35.6E,120cm) Horrible signal quality, almost 0% in Diyarbakir, Turkey.

2018-08-02 14:30:14walet38 (-,0cm) ? 78%

2018-05-17 15:14:18endriu31 (-,0cm) sił•a 93, jakoś 83

2018-01-12 10:01:02Syrop111 (-,0cm) ? 80

2018-01-12 10:00:52Syrop111 (-,0cm) ? 0

2016-06-23 17:51:48VAIO (52.8970-20.0829,120cm) OK

2016-04-08 16:09:24mercuryls282 (22.2N-45.5E,110cm) استقبال اكثر من 550 قناه طبق 110 سم في منطقة الرياض

2016-03-03 21:07:469373074027 (-,90cm) ? n52 20 e57 52 прием на 90 см хотберд сириус еутелсат евробирд амос 1 град запад 16град 28 31

2016-02-19 23:25:25onai2712 (-,0cm) ? bonne qualité

2015-04-17 20:39:24kalisz95 (-,0cm) ? siła 80% jakość 75%

2014-05-25 19:42:04kali121979 (-,0cm) ok

2014-04-27 13:34:33wrist (-,90cm) ? perm with 90cm Q=65-75% all 13°

2014-04-11 08:11:02benouis (36.9N-7.3E,107cm) ? très bonne réception de tous les satellites à la position orbitale 13 hotbird. 55- 60% qualité du signal

2014-04-05 13:05:27pawel455 (-,0cm) 1,2 antena jakości 72-75%,raszyn polska

2013-12-11 22:20:05zbigsat (-,0cm) odbiór w gdańsku przy antenie śr.80 prawidłowy.

2013-11-28 03:54:07BIGMAC747 (54.3N-6.9W,80cm) Solid signal Belfast UK

2013-11-18 17:15:23mehdi1057 (42.2N-19E,90cm) ?

2013-11-02 09:59:16karmy (31.9N-32E,80cm) ? no sinal

2013-09-14 14:32:27abdihb (53.3N-29.9E,110cm) اره خيلى خوبه

2013-06-06 14:50:00libremovil (28.2N-16.1W,85cm) Tenerife signal 90% quality 70%

2013-04-19 00:25:23babba (52.2N-2.2E,90cm) ? 80% Amsterdam 90cm wavefrontier

2013-03-13 19:20:22adany33 (61.2N-15W,180cm) ? استقبل فقط المجهه نجو جنوب ووسط اليمن واقوى تردد هو 11317راسي ارجو تقوية كل ترددات كل حزم هذا القمر لتصل كل مناطق جنوب اليمن

2012-12-09 00:53:33espreita (37.4N-10.1W,125cm) ? bom sinal no algarve portugal.

2012-12-03 08:33:12source (-,0cm) 0.8m antenna quality 70-73%

2012-11-04 16:18:05oblus (50.2N-18.9E,80cm) x

2012-06-28 19:21:03alex rozeli (-,21cm) ? g

2012-06-10 17:12:26atorpi (39.0399-14.4799,80cm) Ottimo segnale da Striano

2012-02-24 18:18:43slawo777 (-,0cm) ok

2012-01-26 10:51:08NorbertSat (-,0cm) ? stara antena Hirshman,z tworzywa,ofset 90cm

2011-04-14 09:53:56GBI (52.4N-5.5E,110cm) Fantastic signal, also from 78cm.

2011-01-11 14:44:21BAHI (29.9N-3.5W,75cm) ? j'ai aucune reception

2010-11-05 12:45:28cp1 (-,0cm) odbiór jest w porządku

2010-05-16 11:00:31camane007 (-,0cm) ? Stockholm with 100cm Great reception from all from 28E to Hispasat 30,0W

2010-02-13 17:25:19position orbita (-,180cm) 20degre est et 30degre s

2010-01-10 11:04:47Radomir (-,0cm) ? Antenna 125 cm LNB 0.2 dB out of focus, the signal strength 85%

2010-01-10 11:02:43Radomir (-,0cm) ? Antenna 125 cm LNB 0.2 dB out of focus, the signal strength 85%

2010-01-10 10:55:45Radomir (-,0cm) ? Antenna 125 cm LNB 0.2 dB out of focus, the signal strength 85%

2009-09-19 01:10:17NADIR32 (43.6N-5.9E,80cm) Bonne qualité

2009-01-11 13:41:010013799 (-,90cm) ? 90см проблем нет

2009-01-02 17:17:25Greb (-,80cm) ок

2009-01-02 17:15:48Greb (-,80cm) Зашебись

2008-09-11 18:30:06chuck7 (32.5N-16.9W,100cm) very good reception, 70 during day drops to 40 at night

2008-09-10 19:04:52chuck (-,0cm) clean reception 55 to 70

2008-09-10 01:04:31jotajota (38.6N-0.4W,60cm) Signal around 60% , Quality 99-100%. LNB: NF=0.1dB, Gain= 55dB

2008-06-23 17:45:56talankino (-,130cm) ?

2008-05-19 02:08:20bmtelcomo (-,0cm) ? tunisia Lat 323243 long 90657 60 cm.Ottima ricezione canali in chiaro italiani qualità buona.

2008-05-19 02:05:40bmtelcomo (-,0cm) ?

2008-03-07 18:45:07odellp (35N-34E,80cm) 65% signal in Protaras Cyprus

2008-02-06 16:06:59robyfox67 (51.2N-1.5W,120cm) ? good

2008-02-03 14:42:12ardilla (47.1N-8.3E,60cm) ? 55cm Telestar, great. 40cm Gilbertini good. Basel

2008-02-03 11:34:30АЛЕКСЕЕВИЧ (-,90cm) БЕЗ ПРОБЛЕМ

2008-02-03 11:33:20АЛЕКСЕЕВИЧ (-,90cm)

2008-01-27 08:20:29amir14551 (-,90cm) ? iran?

2008-01-20 22:11:24farzalizadeh (35.7N-45.6E,90cm) ? you help me! my signal very weak!my location in tehran

2007-12-05 01:16:06russzero (51.1N-0.3E,80cm) ? very good reception even on a smaller 60cm dish. i was able to set up astra 19* and hotbird 13* on the 60cm dish. no real need for technical equipment to set this satellite up.

2007-11-25 14:32:55fantasma (38.2N-21.1E,120cm) ? ΕΞΑΙΡΕΤΙΚΗ ΑΠΟ ΑΓΡΙΝΙΟ ΒΔ ΕΛΛΑΔΑ ΜΕ ΣΤΑΥΡΟΕΙΔΕΣ ΦΡΑΚΑΡΟ 100 cm.NLB 0,4 SHARP

2007-08-11 14:38:10tobicom252 (53.3N-33.2E,90cm) ? moscow with 90cm : 40-43%

2007-07-20 14:06:41baiju (-,0cm) exc signal in dubai

2007-06-20 19:10:38nelsen (-,80cm) 00

2007-02-16 17:59:11Jozsef (58.4N-15.5E,90cm) Excellent reception. Antenna: Wavefrontier Toroidal T90 multibeam. LNB: Titanium.

2007-02-16 12:11:38Jozsef (58.4N-15.5E,90cm) Excellent reception. Torodial 90 Multibeam antenna. Titanium LNB.

2007-02-16 11:34:32Jozsef (58.4N-15.5E,90cm)

2007-01-28 20:35:18arify21 (38N-42.2E,90cm) ?

2007-01-19 17:42:56JKKASTA (-,0cm) ?

2006-12-20 16:00:22itisix (40.8N-8.5W,125cm) 1.25m antenna near Aveiro with multi-lnb

2006-12-09 00:27:08kerrywez (52.2N-9.7W,110cm) Great reception from all hotbird sats in s/w Ireland with 110cm dish

2006-11-25 19:55:29gemetrio (55N-37.1E,80cm) moscow with 80cm no reception for sky italy.

2006-10-10 23:20:46mbortola (-,0cm) ? 75%-82%

2006-10-10 10:43:13Chezzdevil (42.5N-2.4E,135cm) Excellent reception 80% near Perpignan, France

2006-10-03 06:47:30mbortola (-,0cm) ? Bonne qualité (76-78%)

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page


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