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European Satellite Zapping & Directory
Channel Search:
Reception Reports

This feature aims at showing on the map the dish sizes that allow a good reception of a beam,
updated upon your own reception reports. Your specific comments for each beam are also available under the map.

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page


Detailed reception reports and comments about this beam:

2017-09-03 14:10:35joselolo20042 (42.1N-8.3W,200cm) ? Se ve en Galicia, Pontevedra, los canales de Televisa, con antena de 80 con una recepción aproximada de 65%. 11626H. 13500. Un saludo.

2016-03-11 18:16:42Boenke (51.2N-4.2E,80cm) ? Perfect in Bornem, Belgium with 80cm motorized

2012-08-08 08:56:36Albania21 (69.1N-20.6W,100cm) someone help me plz

2012-07-24 22:10:37Albania21 (69.1N-20.6W,100cm) hi. who can help me to see intelsat 905 to albani the no signal here please help me thnx.

2011-11-28 10:51:42giuseppe2 (42.5N-3.2W,80cm) españa,vitoria señal 76 calidad 80 11675 v 27500 mta

2011-01-12 17:50:40gigioelio (44.6N-13.8E,90cm) Veo 4 de los canales de Visat desde Jesolo (NE Italia). Ritmoson y Clasicotv pero malo.

2010-12-03 15:08:10picasso23 (60.5N-30.9E,120cm) Russia, Saint-Peterburg Quality 52% (120)

2010-08-11 17:11:03pcinfo (-,99cm) ? I have just enough reception in the Netherlands with a 99cm dish. A 120cm would be advisable. Does anyone know where to get a Visat smartcard to receive the mexican channels?

2010-03-22 05:37:20joao silva (-,120cm) ? potugal longitude 8.1w latitude 41 boa recepção

2010-01-19 21:47:20n.c. (41.9N-12.1E,110cm) roma italy 110 cm dish: nothing from spot 2 only 2 freq. from spot1

2009-09-09 15:23:24dav56b (44.4N-11.7E,300cm) La señal 11626 H Televisa se ve a Ferrara y Bologna con parabola 100 cm con potencia 60% pero cuando llega aguazero no se ve .

2009-08-02 19:39:19joselolo20042 (42.1N-8.3W,200cm) ? SE ve o No se ve con una Antena de 80cm en España? Yo con 135cm los veo desde Galicia, pero con 80cm no soy capaz.

2009-07-27 17:45:17west (-,0cm) At the west coast of Norway I have clear reception. The dish is a motorised 120cm center feed(quad Invacom LNB). Viva L. America.

2009-07-26 11:44:21jakiblango (44.4N-8E,100cm) Vivo en el noroeste de Italia y no logro verlos con mi parabolica 100-110 alguien puede decirme porque? y que es lo que nesecito? I live in northovest of italy, and this transponder don't work, any haelp?

2009-07-18 15:15:16satplustv (38N-1.3W,85cm) If anyone has the HOST company name and contact details for the 24 NEW English channels on 11048H please send them to my email: I am not interested in local agents the main compant please ?

2009-07-13 23:26:27norbert (43.4N-5E,90cm)

2009-07-13 23:16:27norbert (43.4N-5E,90cm) 11626 h aucun signal ( la raison?°

2009-05-25 16:19:01coccolata (-,80cm) que tengo que hacer para la recepcion de los canales latinos en el satelite intelsat 905 24.5 W

2008-10-01 22:04:49epelic (45.3N-9.4E,95cm) In Bergamo (North of Italy) motorized 95 cm dish, clear reception.

2008-08-17 19:21:56rafa (34.5N-1.4W,90cm) que tengo que hacer para la recepcion de los canales latinos en el satelite intelsat 24 oueste

2008-08-04 23:24:05satellite1971 (28N-16.9W,90cm) in canarias with 90 cm ok and KAON RECEIVER all channels full resolution

2008-08-01 19:11:48Al_Capone_CC (37.5N-1W,50cm) in Alicante OK with coship and antena only 50 cm

2008-07-31 03:37:52satdave (-,120cm) ? North west U.K.DVBS2 signals easily received with Humax 2000ci,and channelmaster 120cm

2008-07-30 14:51:33satellite1971 (28N-16.9W,90cm) in israel you need 1.80 mtrs for receive this satellite in oslo you need 80 cm in praga you need 70 cm, in canarias 1.00 mtr the signal is mpeg IV S2 the better receives is Kaon, Coship any with S2 option. the signal will encrip in Irdeto 3+

2008-07-28 12:04:04deepbluesky (49N-9.3E,0cm) ? @sapperra: 11048H is transmitted in DVB-S2/8PSK and cannot be received by a common DVB-S receiver.

2008-07-27 12:14:16sapperra (-,0cm) ? I live in denmark but i cannot ricive the channals from spot2 ant1 can help me?

2008-07-21 21:49:44hamzah (33.7N-35.9E,170cm) please i need help to recieve this satellite (intelsat 905 w24.5, i live in lebanon and i need to know how large is the dish

2008-07-18 20:34:44hamzah (33.7N-35.9E,170cm) i cant receve this satellite in my house hou i can do to receive it? (my email

2008-07-11 21:26:44twiga (45.1N-3.5E,120cm) ? Recois 100% depuis la Suisse romande (region Vevey Montreux) avec antenne 120cm motorisé

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page


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