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European Satellite Zapping & Directory
Channel Search:
Reception Reports

This feature aims at showing on the map the dish sizes that allow a good reception of a beam,
updated upon your own reception reports. Your specific comments for each beam are also available under the map.

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page


Detailed reception reports and comments about this beam:

2011-10-19 16:33:48weecooter (-,100cm) no signal at all in north ireland

2011-10-19 16:33:00weecooter (-,100cm) no signal at all in north ireland

2011-05-31 23:05:28charfaoui (36.4N-5.4E,105cm) faible signal à Mila(algerie)en numérique avec 0,3db et 105 cm

2010-01-19 23:01:32andres_alonso (37.2N-1.9W,80cm) No signal from Almería (Spain) with 80cm dish

2008-12-09 22:46:20pilili (41.7N-2.3E,110cm) no se coge eutelsat w6 dese barcelona

2008-12-09 22:19:18emilam (40.2N-17.1E,80cm) Nessun problema di ricezione di questo satellite.

2008-11-03 22:05:29kmb (50.5N-4.8E,90cm) aucun signal

2008-08-04 23:58:35Jedin (64.5N-21.1E,110cm) No signal

2008-06-02 12:51:15dj-erkan (-,234cm) bravo

2008-05-28 12:53:58Itar-Tass (56.3N-36.9E,200cm) ? 11345 28782 88%

2008-01-10 09:44:11zorro1972 (44.4N-37.7E,120cm) ? Strong signal

2008-01-10 09:42:28zorro1972 (44.4N-37.7E,120cm) ? Strong signal

2007-02-20 16:12:29pride21 (50.7N-1.3W,150cm) ? fair signal on 120cm in I-O-W

2007-02-17 01:22:13AUTOTEIP (38.6N-21.4E,80cm) Radio Alpha 989. 11345H/28782/7/8(80cm) Agrinio

2006-09-26 21:48:40orf1 (37.3N-5.9W,100cm) No signal of this beam

2006-06-13 18:30:17mbortola (-,0cm) ? we have very poor receptiont with 400cm dish in Abuja Nigeria.

2006-04-21 19:01:21titovich (36.7N-4.4W,110cm) poor signal

2005-08-03 11:35:54Chezzdevil (42.5N-2.4E,135cm) Poor reception +62 6 TV on DB7000 with 0.3 LNB

2005-07-31 15:15:51danie57_8 (34.6N-6.2W,30cm)

2005-07-30 10:07:12demo (49.2N-2.5E,120cm) ? bonne reception fr 10962 V SR 4069 et fr 10973 V SR 2532

2005-07-04 15:10:45hhh (50.8N-11.1E,207cm) very wrong signal for me.what to do?

2005-03-13 09:47:26finder (40.4N-3.6W,75cm) negativo con 0,6

2005-01-30 23:44:17Spinner (45.5N-9.2E,85cm) Very weak reception in Milan with 0,3 and 85 cm

2004-12-04 18:07:56HappyZGZ (41.4N-0.5W,120cm) on Humax, P=3% Q=100%; Pleasure TV good reception but very unstable.

2004-06-14 21:11:29stduf (50.5N-2.6E,75cm) ? satellite bientot délocalisé à 48°e

2004-05-29 12:22:17stduf (50.6N-2.4E,75cm) ? satellite bientot délocalisé à 48°e

2004-04-28 12:49:54decoderz (42.6N-7.5W,90cm) recepcion perfecta 85% de señal

2004-04-08 15:52:37TOBY (41.5N-13.2E,120cm) ? Digiturk,good strong signals very good reception,some problem when it rains

2004-03-13 14:54:23Steve (32.5N-34.9E,110cm) excellent reception, on average 95% signal

2003-09-26 21:57:14ish (51.4N-0E,120cm) ilive in west london in uk and have 120 cm dish. I do not get any reception on nile sat. anybody in this area getting any better. please advise.

2003-09-23 22:24:57 (28.3N-16.5W,100cm)

2003-08-27 18:14:08ad33 (44.3N-0.5W,85cm) Réception numérique parfaite

2003-08-24 11:38:41Gaz (52.4N-1.7E,80cm) strong signal

2003-08-15 12:48:35dxn (39.9N-9W,200cm) strong signal on this beam

2003-05-13 13:31:25isbakali (34N-6.2W,110cm) ? quels sont tous les satellites que je peux recevoir à Rabat-Morocco?

2003-04-09 23:08:45stduf (50.5N-2.3E,75cm) ? tres bonne reception

2003-03-10 10:03:16A.K. (64.8N-30.9E,115cm) clear turkish channels, good reception

2003-03-02 19:02:42lebucheron (43N-5.3E,120cm) ? no probleme sud france

2003-02-07 09:20:38nashu (44.4N-26.1E,120cm) strong signal, very good reception

2003-01-31 16:22:47Nottingham (52.7N-1.6W,120cm) Mario...make a little bus shelter for your LNB!! Hmmm M6 and Polonia...riveting!

2003-01-24 18:20:51mag (48.3N-2E,80cm) bonne réception en analogique

2002-12-17 10:02:31Mario (52.1N-4.9E,115cm) Some channels good, Digiturk pakkage moderate, falls out when rain

2002-11-26 00:20:17dryrainbow (35.9N-14.5E,120cm) good,strong signals

2002-11-17 19:20:13 (36.6N-3.2W,80cm) ?

2002-09-02 11:49:44DODO (31.1N-30.5E,180cm)

2002-08-11 22:44:35csapo (31.9N-34.9E,180cm)

2002-08-11 22:41:15csapo (31.9N-34.9E,180cm)

In order to post your own reception reports you must define your position and dish size on the Profile page


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